Nadja Marcin

Würzburg, Duitsland
Lives and works in
Berlijn (DE) en New York (US)

Beeldend kunstenares Nadja Verena Marcin nam deel aan Coup de Ville 2013 en de tentoonstelling 'I know why the caged bird sings' (2022).

"The vital support of WARP's commission program for young artists helped me to realise the video performance "Zero Gravity", a significant artwork for my career and artistic development that toured the world thereafter."
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"In 2013, I was invited for WARP's 2013 edition of Coup de Ville under the theme "Attracted by Another Level" by curator/director Stef van Bellingen. The vital support of WARP's commission program for young artists helped me to realise the video performance "Zero Gravity", a significant artwork for my career and artistic development that toured the world thereafter. It was key to my success and growth as a visual artist through several group and solo exhibitions. In addition, it was featured in screenings at Microscope Gallery in Brooklyn (2017), "Der Stinknormale Mann" at Motorenhalle in Dresden (2018), "Mythic Age" at a cinema in Milwaukee (2017) as well as group show as the "24th Biennial of Humor and Satire" at House of Humor and Satire in Gabrovo in Bulgaria (2019) and "Video Shop" at NADA New York by Kunstraum LLC (2016).

To obtain opportunities for artistic experimentation, production of knowledge, and meaning as well as exposure and connection to other young practitioners, is essential for artists such as myself to thrive and continue our career paths inside the international community of the visual arts. I much appreciate the trust, vision, and support extended by WARP and its director/curator Stef van Bellingen towards my work and find it an exceptional arts organisation on an international horizon."

© Nadja Verena Marcin
© Nadja Verena Marcin
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