Support WARP

Give us a share of your sympathy and become a Warp-ian!

Every renewed membership is valid in 2024, and you will be invited to all our activities and receive a discount if we need to charge for a contribution.

WARP goes digital!
Choose your membership - with numerous discounts and privileges in 2024 - and renew at the following link:

Those who prefer to renew their membership by bank transfer can do so by depositing the desired amount to BE48 7330 3601 5827, mentioning your email address so that we can always invite you!

Those who need an invoice can renew their membership by sending an email

Individual Membership: 25€

Individual member
Invitations to our vernissages
Discount on all activities

Olympic Duo Membership: 100€

Membership for 2 people with activity discount
Invitations to our vernissages
2 tickets introductory lecture Coup de Ville
2 tickets to the Ellis Meeusen play
1 x Coup de Ville art book 2024

Patron Membership: 500€

Membership for 2 people with activity discount
Invitations to our vernissages
2 tickets introductory lecture Coup de Ville
2 tickets VIP preview Coup de Ville 2024 with reception
1 x Coup de Ville vase and 1 x Coup de Ville art book
Attribution patron in Coup de Ville